The Real Truck-Driving Terror

I am stunned and appalled at the white supremacist with the confederate flag and the Ed Gillespie bumper sticker who ran down all those innocent children yesterday. Oh wait, sorry, that didn’t really happen. That was a Democrat campaign ad. What really happened yesterday was a radical Muslim immigrant ran down innocent people with a…

Not me.

So this thing has been going around social media for the last couple of days: “If all the people who have been sexually harassed or assaulted wrote "Me too" as a status, we might give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem.” My feed was filled with “me too” status updates. I get…

Partisan Football League

I don’t really watch football, but it’s impossible to be on social media or read the news without being aware of what happened yesterday. Numerous teams and players, including the entirety of the Seattle Seahawks chose to stay in the locker room, sit, or kneel during the National Anthem. It’s not the first time. It…

When the (Real) Nazis Come to Town

Like most Americans, I was horrified to hear what happened in Virginia Saturday. It made me sick to my stomach watching those white people march with their Nazi symbols, chanting their racist slogans. It’s not pleasant to be reminded that these people still exist, that these ideas still persist. The most appalling, of course, was…

The Left vs. The West

President Trump gave an inspiring speech to an exuberant crowd in Poland on Thursday. I thought that it was quite good, probably one of his best speeches ever. What was more interesting than the speech itself was the angry response to it from the Left. “Trump’s alt-right Poland speech: Time to call his white nationalist…

Treat Graduates Like Grownups

An article in today’s New York Times describes a lawsuit being brought by Washington and Illinois against Navient, a student loan provider (you can read the full article here). The article describes a young woman named Ashley Hardin who has $150,000 in student loans from photography school. She is currently working as a waitress and…

We Ought to Have More Filibusters

This morning, Senate Democrats stated that they would filibuster the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch. In response, Senate Republicans instituted the “nuclear option,” changing the Senate rules and ending, probably forever, the ability of the Senate minority to block a vote on a nomination to the Supreme Court. The move is being hailed as historic,…

Kristof’s Caricature of Jesus

“And Jesus said unto them: there is no such thing as personal property. Therefore, Caesar will take all you have, so he may distribute it back according to need, paying of course, large salaries to government employees to manage everything.” If this doesn’t sound quite like the words of Jesus, you are correct. It does,…